Wave deliver N.4 X-Band SSPAs for maritime and land radar


Wave deliver N.4 X-Band SSPAs for maritime and land radar

Wave has delivered N.4 X-band SSPAs designed to be used as transmitter in new generation phased array
radar. Each SSPA is multi-channel with independent phase control. The total output power is 400W with an
average efficiency of 25%. The challenge has been the high Vectorial Stability required: more than 60dB
pulse-to-pulse over the whole band at the maximum power.

The SSPA is GaN based with real-time monitoring of the health of each power device.

The SSPA is equipped with a Serial Communication link for commanding each channel and monitoring
various parameters such as temperature, voltage and current consumption.

Designed to be used in Naval and Land MIL-STD environment an accurate mechanical design has been
made to meet the required standard.

The SSPA is air cooled drastically reducing the complexity and the cost of a liquid cooling system.


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